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We are all familiar with the large, global organizations that are so good at raising money and awareness for causes that speak to our hearts.  But there is something very special about helping right in our own community, making a difference and  seeing concrete results from our donations. 

The AIWCD has chosen the organizations listed below whose needs and missions correspond with the goals of our membership; supporting women and children. 

We offer our commitment and support  by donating goods such as clothing, food, toys, and books, in addition to donations of cash from our charity fund. At the end of the fiscal year, each of the organisations listed below receives a financial donation from the funds we collect throughout the year


Toiletries | CLOTHING

If you would like to donate any of these much needed items, just tick it off the list and arrange for it to be delivered or dropped off.

Knackpunkt is a shelter right in the center of Düsseldorf, which is open every night and morning to teenage girls and women.  Here women can have their basic needs met, such as eating, resting and taking showers. The KnackPunkt team is also present to listen to the women, give them advice, and provide the women with basic medical treatment and other services: no questions asked.

Since 1999, the AIWCD has held drive every fall  to collect  items and to donate a homemade Thanksgiving Dinner to KnackPunkt. 

Since 1982, the Frauenberatungstelle has offered advice and counseling to women, regardless of religion or race, who may be experiencing conflict or violence in the home, or workplace, or problems with family or social connections.

Traditionally, all proceeds from our Fash Bash (second hand clothing sale) and the remaining clothing go to the women at FHF. For both Frauen Helfen Frauen and Knaackpunkt we collect personalised wishlists at Christmas that you also can fulfill.

KinderschutzAmbulanz at the Protestant Hospital in Düsseldorf is a treatment and counseling center for physically, psychologically and sexually abused children, neglected children and for children that have witnessed violence within their families. 

Our well loved Easter Egg Hunt at ISD supports this worthy cause.

The International Library, a volunteer non-profit organization, is the NRW's  only public English-language library.  The International Library boasts over  20,0000 publications and is run by loyal volunteers.  The library also holds events for children and adults to foster a love of reading. 

Members are encouraged to donate books for their annual book sale.  Contact our International Library Liaison at with any questions.

SOS Kinderdorf is a social services agency to help families in crisis.  They have several different resources, including educational resources for parents, a daycare and  residential facilities for children and youth.  Our legendary annual Halloween Party at ISR supports this worthy cause. .

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