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THE Radschläger

The AIWCD's Quarterly Magazine 

The Radschläger is the quarterly magazine for the American International Women's Club of Düsseldorf. It is written, designed, and edited by our very own talented members. Between the colorful covers, you will find stories about our club, our members, our recent events, tips about life in Germany,  recipes and much more. It is offered in two formats — an online version or a print copy mailed to your home. But it's available exclusively for members! 


Here's just a taste of what The Radschläger has to offer. Topics in the magazine vary, but articles cater to expats living in and around Düsseldorf. Join today to start getting your subscription or check out some of our sample articles below.


The Radschläger, or the Cartwheeler, is a beloved and well-known icon seen throughout Düsseldorf. Although there are many myths about the origin of the Radschläger, it's well-known that children used to perform cartwheels to earn a penny from passersby. Since 1937, the city has held an annual Radschläger competition for children aged 8 to 12.


We are always looking for volunteers to contribute to The Radschläger. Whether you're interested in writing, photography, editing or graphic design, we would be happy to have your help. Contact us or attend one of our Writer's Circle events. WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Upcoming Radschläger Events

All of our meetings are held via Zoom — usually on the second Tuesday of each month. Sign up to get access to the login information.

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Be a Rad-vertiser

The Radschläger is read by over 225 club members four times a year! Our print version is printed on high-quality paper and distributed to members all over Düsseldorf, and our online version offers direct links to your website or email. If your business wants to target English-speaking expats, we may be the perfect venue for you. 

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